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Local solutions to a national challenge

At PDMS we are passionate about helping to address the challenges of skills and employablity and we are currently working with Local Enterprise Partnerships and Local Authorities around the UK.

Our SignedUp Skills platform enables local economies to present a coherent and coordinated picture of the local employment and skills environment to people and employers in a specific region. It allows these economies to localise national data and put employment and skills services and career opportunities within the local context. We believe this approach will result in ‘more informed individuals in a changing labour market’.

Circular illustration representing communities and the UK skills economy

Delivering work experience and apprenticeship programmes

We help to deliver approximately thousands of work experience placements to year 10  students every year on the Isle of Man.   Working with over 450 local employers, the PDMS team help to arrange week long placements for students in Year 10, in conjunction with the Department of Education, Sports and Culture.

Our platform is used to help administer the programme - providing an online portal for students, schools and employers.  In conjunction with the Isle of Man Government's Digital Agency and University College Isle of Man, we also co-ordinate the Digital Apprenticeship scheme. 

An image of an apprentice being taught

Check out our recent work in the skills industry:


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